Having a website is an essential part of any business these days. But not all websites are created equal. If your website isn’t meeting its full potential, you might need to take some action to fix it. Your website can be easy to overlook, but this doesn’t mean it’s unimportant. In fact, a study from the University of Aberdeen found that users are more likely to purchase from websites that they find aesthetically pleasing and simple to navigate. Having a poorly-designed or user-unfriendly site can make visitors less inclined to buy from you and result in fewer leads or sales for your business. Here are seven signs that indicate it’s time to fix your website—and what you can do about it.
1. Your Website is Slow
One of the first signs that your website needs a makeover is that it’s incredibly slow. A slow website is frustrating for users and can cause them to leave and find a competitor whose site loads more quickly. The issue with slow websites is that there are many different reasons for this. It’s important to know what the issue is before you take any action. For example, a slow website could be due to low-quality hosting services or it could be due to too many people visiting your site and not enough bandwidth to support the traffic. If your hosting company can’t handle the traffic on your site, you can experience what’s referred to as “slow crawl death.” A slow crawl death can drag your website down to a crawl and make it seem like it’s taking an eternity to load. It’s important to know these issues exist and be able to tell the difference. Otherwise, you could waste time and resources trying to fix a problem that doesn’t exist.
2. It’s not mobile friendly.
Another sign that your website may be in need of some TLC is that it’s not mobile friendly. Mobile-friendly websites are important because Google has changed its algorithm to give priority to mobile-friendly websites. This means that if you have a website that’s not mobile friendly, you could see a drop in your website traffic and leads. There are a few ways to check if a website is mobile friendly. The easiest way is to put your website URL into this Google link. Google has a mobile friendly test that will tell you if your website meets Google’s mobile-friendly standards. If your website isn’t mobile friendly, it may be an easy fix. You can make it mobile friendly by adjusting your website’s coding. However, if your website is on a content management system (CMS), it may be more complicated to adjust the coding on the website. If your website is on a CMS, you’ll want to contact us about making changes.
3. Your Website Suffers from Poor User Experience
A website with a poor user experience can be confusing and difficult to navigate. If your website suffers from a poor user experience, potential customers may stay away from your site. You can check your website for a poor user experience by doing a user test. During the user test, you can visit your website as if you were a first-time visitor. This gives you an idea of what a first-time visitor would experience when visiting your website. If you notice there’s a problem with the user experience, you can try to find ways to fix it. One way to fix a poor user experience is to simplify your website. You may have a lot of information on your site, but that doesn’t mean it has to be complicated or difficult to navigate. You can remove unnecessary content and create a simpler and more straightforward experience for your visitors. Another way to fix a poor user experience is to use visual cues like arrows and sticky notes to guide visitors through your website.
4. You Lack Quality Content
A lack of quality content on your website can result in a lack of traffic to the site. If you notice that your site doesn’t have adequate content, it may be time to add more. You can start by adding more blog posts to your website. Blog posts provide value to your users and encourage them to visit your site more often. Alternatively, you can create a page that lists the most frequently asked questions. This can help you answer questions that are commonly asked on your site, while also providing value to your visitors. Another way to add value to your website is to add helpful resources. You can do this by providing a glossary of terms or including a list of resources that are useful to your industry. You can also add a helpful tool like a calculator or a tool for estimating project costs.
5. Your Website Doesn’t Represent your Brand Well
Your website should reflect your brand, but if it doesn’t do a good job of it, it may be time to take action. One way to check if your website doesn’t represent your brand is to identify the emotions that your brand elicits. If you notice that your website doesn’t represent your brand, there are a few ways you can fix it. You can add pictures or images that reflect your brand on your website. You can also change your website’s language or tone to go along with your brand.
6. People Don’t Know Where to Find Your Products/Services
The most important thing for your website is to provide information that helps customers know where to find the products or services that they’re looking for. If people visit your site and don’t know where to find the products or services they’re looking for, they may be less inclined to visit your website again. Fortunately, you can check your website to see if people know where to find your products or services. All you need to do is visit your website as a first-time visitor and see if you can find what you’re looking for. If you don’t know where to find the information you’re looking for, it may be a sign that your website needs some fixing. One way to fix this issue is to check your website’s navigation. Are the links easy to find and click on? Are they placed where they should be? Is the navigation intuitive or do you have to click around a lot to find what you’re looking for? If your navigation is problematic, you can try fixing it.
7. You Don’t Have a Good Conversion Process/Path
Conversion rate is the percentage of people who visit your website and end up purchasing your products or services. If your conversion rate is low, you may want to take a look at your website and see if there’s a problem with the conversion path. A conversion path is the path that a user takes on your website before they purchase something. If there are issues with your conversion path, you may have trouble bringing in sales. One way to add a better conversion rate is by adding calls to action throughout your site. These calls to action can encourage visitors to take the next step in the conversion path and purchase your products or services.
Having a website is essential for any business, but not all websites are created equal. If your website is experiencing any of these issues, it may be time to take action and fix your website. Having a well-designed, easy-to-navigate site that meets your customers’ needs, is trustworthy, and is loaded with helpful content can help you generate more leads and sales than ever before.